When someone over 60 years old experiences neglect or financial exploitation, it’s classified as elder abuse in California. Knowing the signs to identify this type of abuse can help you stop it. Some indicators aren’t as apparent as others.
It can happen anywhere
There are various places where elder abuse can take place. It might be in the individual’s home, especially if they live alone and receive in-home care. Or it might occur in a relative’s home, at a nursing home or assisted living facility.
Elders can be abused even by those who are closest to them, like friends and relatives. Other times, it’s at the hands of trusted professionals like their providers or caregivers. But sometimes, the abuse comes from people they don’t know. But no matter where it happens or who does it, elder abuse is always unacceptable.
Elder abuse takes many forms, including:
- Physical
- Emotional
- Sexual
- Financial
Neglect and abandonment
Elder abuse also encompasses neglect, which happens when a caregiver doesn’t attempt to respond to the elder’s care needs. This applies to social, emotional and physical needs. Neglect may also take the form of withholding medication, food or health care access.
Abandonment is another form of elder abuse. It’s the act of leaving an elder alone when they are in need and providing no plan for their care.
Most elder abuse victims are women, but that doesn’t mean older men aren’t also vulnerable. Some elders are more likely to be targeted, such as those without relatives or relations in the area. People who are disabled, have issues with their memory or are suffering from dementia are also sadly common elder abuse victims.