If you own a home, chances are you pay property taxes. Should you decide to get into homeownership, you need to know about property taxes. So what are taxes and why do you have to pay them. Property taxes are a certain amount you pay twice a year after your appraisal...
Results-Oriented: Creative, Strategic And Skilled Legal Techniques
Month: August 2018
How Undue Influence Can affect Trust Litigation
What is Undue Influence? Undue influence is defined as “influence by which a person is induced to act otherwise than by their own free will or without adequate attention to the consequences.” Though the term has been defined, it may be difficult to pin down the legal...
When to Consider Probate Litigation
A person’s Last legal documents, like a Last Will and Testament or a Trust, should be crafted with the help of an attorney who can ensure the document will avoid legal missteps. However, some documents are prepared by individuals with inadequate legal knowledge, which...
What is the Role of a Trust Litigation Attorney?
Everyone has a need for an estate plan regardless of how many assets they own. Estate plans can involve much more than the mere distribution of property following an untimely death. But, some people have significant wealth that must be protected at the time of their...