The legal capacity of the settlor has significant effects on the outcome of a trust or will. The document could be invalidated if it was prepared while the settlor was mentally incompetent. Probate litigation lawyers provide legal advice and assist in filing documents...
Results-Oriented: Creative, Strategic And Skilled Legal Techniques
Month: October 2018
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Probate Litigation | What you Should Know Before Calling an Attorney
Probate litigation refers to the challenging of a person’s will after that person’s death. There are a number of reasons that this litigation may occur. The family may suspect the person was not competent to make the will or that the person was unduly influenced by...
Common Estate Issues that Result in Litigation
There are several common errors people may make in creating an estate plan. One is preparing documents incorrectly. While there are a number of do-it-yourself estate planning packages available, it is easy to make an error on these that can delay carrying out the...