Not all probate cases can be worked out between the parties. In fact, not all probate cases should be worked out behind closed doors. Some probate cases go to trial. Our justice system exists to ensure that interested parties can access a court when it’s needed to pursue justice. If your probate case goes to trial, there are important things to do in order to reach a good outcome. Our Fridley Law Firm probate lawyers in Brea CA explain what to do next when your probate case goes to trial.
Understand the burden of proof in your case
Not all probate cases are created the same. The burden of proof may vary depending on the type of proceeding. For some types of cases, you have to prove your side of the case by a simple preponderance of the evidence. In other cases, you have to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt or even by clear and convincing evidence. In order to win your case, you need to start with understanding what you need to prove and how strong your case needs to be.
Prepare like you would prepare for other kinds of litigation
Don’t be fooled by the relative informality and slower pace of probate court compared to other types of legal proceedings. A probate trial is a formal, contested trial in a courtroom. You need to be prepared with admissible evidence and witnesses. There are rules of evidence that apply. The preparation for your probate trial should begin far in advance of your court date.
Attorneys for probate case going to trial
When your probate case goes to trial, you have the right to representation from probate lawyers in Brea CA. Probate litigation can be very personal and financially consequential. The Fridley Law Firm probate litigation lawyers can represent you and ensure that you’re prepared when your probate case goes to trial.