When planning an estate, a trust can be created to pass along an asset to a loved one, known as a trustee. Though this person is chosen by the one passing along the asset, there can be conflict that arises related to how the trust is carried out. In these instances, it is usually someone who disagrees with the trust and wishes to contest it. This, in turn, creates a legal situation involving an attorney. A Riverside estate planning lawyer can help you plan the trust and defend it if the need arises. At Fridley Law Firm, our professionals specialize in helping clients create estate plans and with trust litigation.
What Is Trust Litigation?
Trust litigation occurs when a trust is legally contested, for a variety of reasons, by someone who has some relation to the trust. This person or entity will proceed by acquiring legal representation to help show why the trust is not legally binding. The common reasons a San Bernardino trust attorney could be hired for trust litigation include:
•Grantor believed to not be of sound mind and judgement when making the trust
•Grantor believed to have been fervently persuaded by the trustee
•Trustee is not handling the trust according to the grantor’s wishes
•There is documentation that states the grantor promised the asset to someone else
In all of these scenarios, a Riverside estate planning lawyer can provide the legal defense that is needed.
How To Avoid Trust Litigation
When someone wishes to challenge a trust, it can create issues amongst loved ones. Here are a few ways to avoid the occurrence of trust litigation:
•Hire a San Bernardino trust attorney to handle all legal issues related to the trust.
•Communicate your plans in writing to the intended trustee so that they are aware of your plans.
•Make sure that your trust is always updated with the most recent information.
For more information, contact the Fridley Law Firm to have your questions answered.