Many people have heard of trusts as they relate to something being passed down from a relative, but most people are not familiar with much more beyond that. A trust is a legal document that keeps property for a person until they are able to access it as designated by the one who created the trust. They are used in estate planning when decisions regarding a person’s wealth are being made. For example, a grandparent may create a trust that gives a sum of money to their grandchild upon reaching a certain age. Trusts are legally complex and should be discussed with an attorney as the estate is being planned.
Common Questions About Trusts
As stated, the average person is likely unfamiliar with how trusts work, but would like to know more, especially if they are a recipient of one. A few common questions that may be asked include:
• What is a trustee? A trustee is a person or entity that has been designated to control the trust.
• What is power of attorney? Power of attorney refers to the power a person or group of people have to act on behalf of someone else.
• What happens if there has been fraudulent activity involving a trust? A trust litigation attorney is needed to help resolve conflicts that may arise regarding suspected fraud relating to a trust.
Securing An Attorney
Given that trusts are intricate documents, they should be handled by experienced legal professionals. A trust litigation attorney can help draft trusts, thoroughly explain all parts of the trust to you, and even represent your best interests in the event that another party attempts to make any unauthorized changes to the trust. If you are looking for a Brea trust litigation lawyer, the attorneys at Fridley Law Firm are ready to answer your questions.